HS Codes for Grinding Wheels: All you Need to Know | L&T-SuFin (2025)

Grinding wheels are available in different types, suitable for different applications, and each type has a specific HS code. There are thousands of HS codes for grinding wheels, and identifying the right one for your product can be challenging, especially if you are new to the trade. This article explains what HS codes are and talks about the different HS codes associated with grinding wheels.

What are HS Codes for Grinding Wheels?

HS Codes, also known as Harmonized System Codes, are internationally accepted codes that are used to uniquely identify a product in international trade. These codes are governed by the World Customs Organisation (WCO), and each code consists of six digits that provide a detailed description of the product.

The first two digits of the code are known as the “chapter” and provide details about the category of the product. The next two digits are known as the “heading” and provide details about the type of product. Finally, the last two digits, known as the “sub-heading,” provide details about the specification of the product. For example, Chapter 68 of the HS code deals with articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica, or similar materials. In this chapter, Heading 6804 deals with different types of grinding wheels, under which Sub-heading 6804.23 is specifically concerned with natural stone grinding wheels.

Similarly, there are different HS codes for different types of grinding wheels available on the market.

Classification of Grinding Wheels and their HS Codes

Grinding wheels primarily fall under Heading 04 of Chapter 68 from Section XIII, which deals with articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, MICA or similar materials.

There are various types of grinding wheels, and each type has its own HS code.

HS CodeType of Grinding Wheel
6804.10Millstones and grindstones for milling, grinding or pulping
6804.21Synthetic or natural diamond Grinding Wheels
6804.22Grinding wheels consisting of ceramic or other agglomerated abrasives.
6804.23Natural stone Grinding Wheels
6804.30Hand-held grinding or polishing stones
8205.90Pedal-operated grinding wheels or grinding wheels with a hand frame

Synthetic or Natural Diamond Grinding Wheels

Synthetic or natural diamond grinding wheels consist of diamonds as abrasive particles. These grinding wheels are extremely durable and are generally used for grinding tough materials like carbide, titanium, etc.

Apart from the abrasive material, grinding wheels are also classified by the type of bond used. While a soft bond allows the abrasive particles to fall off under strong cutting forces, a hard bond prevents the falling of the abrasive particle, thereby enhancing the tool’s life.

Generally, a hard bond, such as a Vitrified bond, is used with diamond grinding wheels, as it provides the required bonding strength to completely utilize the diamond abrasive by preventing it from falling off prematurely.

Synthetic and natural diamond abrasives collectively fall under the 6804.21 HS code. However, certain countries like India, use additional digits to further classify them. For example, HS code 6804.2110 is designated for synthetic diamond grinding wheels, while 6804.2120 is designated for natural diamond grinding wheels.

Ceramic or other Agglomerated Abrasives

Ceramic grinding wheels consist of ceramic aluminium oxide abrasives that provide them with excellent sharpness and good durability. These are stronger than conventional grinding wheels and are used for applications where high material removal rate is preferable.

The abrasive particles in these wheels have multiple fracture points. Once the abrasive loses its sharpness, it automatically breaks along the fracture point, resulting in the self-sharpening of the tool.

As a result, these grinding wheels do not require frequent replacement and are ideal for heavy-duty grinding operations, which would otherwise render the abrasives blunt, shortening the tool’s life.

Generally, ceramic and other agglomerated grinding wheels fall under the 6804.22 HS code of section XIII.

Natural Stone Grinding Wheels

Natural stone grinding wheels are generally used for grinding and shaping natural stones such as granite and marble. The abrasives used on these wheels are comparatively less durable, and are, therefore, not suitable for grinding hard metals.

6804.23 is the HS code assigned to natural stone grinding wheels.

Hand Sharpening or Polishing Stones

Hand sharpening or polishing stones are hand-held abrasive tools that are used to grind or polish small workpieces. They work similarly to a grinding wheel but are generally available in bar form, which is easier to hold while applying the required grinding force on the workpiece.

Hand sharpening or polishing stones fall under the 6804.30 HS code.

Grinding wheels with Frame or Pedal

These grinding wheels are operated manually and generally have a hand lever or a foot pedal mechanism to rotate the tool. These tools are ideal for small-scale grinding applications of soft materials like aluminium.

Generally, 8205.90 is the HS code used for the grinding wheels under this category.

How to find and search the HS code for grinding wheels?

During the customs procedure, you will have to fill in the appropriate HS code for the type of grinding wheel you are importing or exporting. Failing to do so can be considered misleading and non-compliance, making you liable for the associated penalty as per the law.

Therefore, it is important to identify the right HS code for your product. You can find the right HS code for a grinding wheel based on the type of grinding wheel. Generally, every country has its commerce and industry portal that allows you to search for a product by its name to get the corresponding HS code or vice-versa.

Find HS Codes For Grinding Wheels at L&T-SuFin

HS codes are generally used by distributors and manufacturers during the import and export of grinding wheels. These codes can also be used to identify the country of origin and the manufacturer associated with the product. However, if you want to avoid the hassle of dealing with HS codes and customs procedures, you can check outto directly purchase the required grinding wheels in bulk for your small-scale or large-scale applications.

HS Codes for Grinding Wheels: All you Need to Know | L&T-SuFin (2025)
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